jan.miks.akms.cz | attorney registration no 0418
He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in 1973, became a practising attorney from 1977 and an establishing member of the law office since 1990. He was a member of the CBA disciplinary commission from 1990 – 1996, chairman of the supervisory council of the CBA and disciplinary petitioner of the CBA since 1997. Since 2005 he has been the examination commissioner for Bar examinations from the field of regulations regulating the provision of legal services. From 2009-2014 he has been a member of the Disciplinary Panel of the Supreme Administration Court of the Czech Republic for settling affairs of judges of the Czech Republic. He works as an arbitrator at the Arbitration Court at the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic. Main specialisations: restitution, defence in criminal proceedings, contractual obligations, arbitration and litigation-legal representation in commercial, family and civil law matters, regulations regulating the legal profession.
jan.suk.akms.cz | attorney registration no 0657
He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in 1977, has been practising as an attorney since 1980 and an establishing member of the law office since 1990. He is a member of the supervisory council of the CBA. He works as an arbitrator for the Society for Arbitration. Main specialisations: restitution, planning and building law, corporate law specialising in mergers and acquisitions, real estate property specialising in development, exchange law.
marek.pilat.akms.cz | attorney registration no 4308
He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in 1993 and has been a member of the law office since 1994. He has been a practising attorney since 1996. In 2007 he gained a doctorate at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň in labour law. He is a member of the supervisory bodies of joint stock companies which are clients of our law office. Main specialisations: corporate law, real estate property, protection of personal rights, recovery and securing of claims, arbitration and litigation – legal representation in commercial and civil law matters, legal services in matters related to power energy, labour and family law.
Languages spoken: Czech, English.
tomas.krejci.akms.cz | attorney registration no 4772
He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in 1995. He has been a member of the law office since 1997. Main specialisations: civil and commercial obligations, franchising, unfair competition, recovery and securing of claims, insurance law specialising in motor vehicles, defence in criminal proceedings, legal representation in civil proceedings, family law, exchange law, competition law.
Languages spoken: Czech, English.
antonin.pechar.akms.cz | attorney registration no 9410
He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in 1998, and has been a practising attorney since 2002. He has been a member of the law office since 1998. Main specialisations: corporate law specialising in mergers and acquisitions, real estate property specialising in real estate agency services, public auctions, insolvency law, labour law, copyright and competition law, e-commerce, legal deposits.
Languages spoken: Czech, English, German.
jan.miks.ml.akms.cz | attorney registration no 15762
He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2009. After graduating from the faculty he worked for the Law office Brož & Sokol & Novák. He obtained title Juris Doctor at the Charles University in 2012. He passed Bar Exam of the Czech Bar Association with excellent results. Since 2014 he has been practicing as an attorney-at-law in Law office Mikš & Suk. He works as an arbitrator at the Arbitration Court at the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic. He is a member of the Union of Counselors of the Czech Republic. Main specializations: defense and representation of victims in Criminal proceedings, contractual obligations, arbitration and litigation-legal representation in Commercial, Civil, Family and Labor Law matters, exacting of damages and other than proprietary loss, provides advice, drafting on all types of commercial-law and civil-law contracts, real estate property transactions or litigations, provides legal deposits.
Languages spoken: Czech, English, Portuguese.
petr.kafka.akms.cz | attorney registration no 14580
He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2010. After graduating from the faculty he worked for the Law office Anděl – Syrůčková, Pavlovský, Hatmannová. Main specialisations: civil law, civil and commercial obligations, family law, labour law, real estate property and defence in criminal proceedings.
Languages spoken: Czech, English.
lucie.kramlova.akms.cz | attorney registration no 17370
She graduated from the Law Faculty of the Charles University in Prague in 2013 and she has been a member of the law office since 2013. She is an attorney since 2017. During her studies she participated in internships at both civil and criminal section of the District Court for Prague 1 and District Prosecutor´s Office for Prague 1. Main specialisations: civil and commercial obligations, legal representation in civil proceedings, executory proceedings, defence in criminal proceedings, family law, labour law.
Languages spoken: Czech, English.
lenka.bukvaiova.akms.cz | attorney registration no 18904
She graduated from the Law Faculty of the Masaryk University in Brno in 2016 and since then she has been a member of Law office Mikš & Suk. She passed Bar Exam of the Czech Bar Association with excellent results in 2019. She obtained title Juris Doctor at the Charles University in 2020. Main specializations: defense and representation of victims in Criminal proceedings, contractual obligations, arbitration and litigation-legal representation in Commercial, Civil, Family and Labor Law matters, exacting of damages and other than proprietary loss, provides advice, drafting on all types of commercial-law and civil-law contracts, real estate property transactions or litigations.
Language spoken: Czech, English, Slovak.
iva.kunz.akms.cz | attorney registration no 04763
She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in 1995 and became a practicing attorney since 1999. She was a member of Law office Mikš & Suk from 1995 to 2005. From 2005 to 2016, she worked as an freelance attorney. From 2016 to 2021, she was the head of a team at the law firm AK RHK, Ltd. From 2021 to 2023, she worked at the patent and law firm KOREJZOVA LEGAL partnership, specializing in civil and corporate law. She is a graduate of training according to the educational standards of the Association of Mediators of the Czech Republic, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Since 2021, she has been a collaborating attorney with the non-profit organization R-Mosty registered association.
Her predominant focus includes civil and commercial law, corporate transformations, real estate, family law, labor law, litigation, execution, insolvency, and representation in civil court proceedings.
Languages: Czech, German.
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